5 Spots in the Office That Are Breeding Grounds for Germs

office cleaning

Here’s the truth that not many may like to hear: we spend most of our lives at work. No matter how much we try to have more time for ourselves and loved ones, the chances are that five days a week of our time, we are still dedicated to working for at least eight hours. Since you spend most of your time in the office, it must be clean and germ-free so that employees can remain productive and healthy. However, many people are not aware of the germ hot spots in the office that must be cleaned and disinfected regularly. 

If you want to ensure that your office space is free from germs and other microorganisms, here are the five germ hot spots in the workplace: 

Door Knobs

Door knobs are one of the most commonly touched areas in the workplace. The truth is that not everyone remembers to wash their hands after entering or leaving the building. For this reason, making door knobs clean regularly is vital to prevent diseases from spreading in the office. 

Keyboard & Mouse

Your office keyboard and mouse are breeding grounds for bacteria. When people don’t practice proper handwashing and sanitation, these items can easily spread germs from one worker to another.


Do you enjoy that cup of coffee or tea to get you going in the morning? Mugs in the office must be properly washed, or they will also become a breeding ground of germs, which can contaminate your drinks. This may lead to a bacterial infection that may lead to other severe illnesses. 


It is common in the workplace to have many documents photocopied, which makes it a vital equipment in the office. With that, many people use it every day, meaning that many hands touch it regularly. Remember that flu and viruses can transfer easily from the machine to the people using it, so always keep it clean!

Elevator Buttons

Elevator buttons are also one of the filthiest things in a workplace setting. Hundreds or even thousands of people touch these buttons, and you never know how clean their hands are.

Now that you know these germ hotspots in the office, what can you do? Here are several practical tips for you to follow:

  • Wash your hands properly: Do this by rubbing soap on your hands for at least 20 seconds or more, and then rinse your hands thoroughly with water. Hand washing alone can save you and your employees from many diseases that may be acquired through the items listed above. 
  • Invest in office cleaning services: Professional office cleaning services, such as what is offered at Diamond Cleaning Services, specializes in keeping the work area clean. We have experts who know the proper cleaning methods and techniques along with the use of proper equipment and products to ensure that the area is spotless and germ-free. 
  • Handle food well: Contaminated food can lead to plenty of diseases. Make sure to separate raw and cooked foods. Moreover, wash and sanitize your hands before you touch your food to avoid transferring the germs. 
  • Wear a mask if you’re not feeling well: Do you feel like coming down with the cold or flu? Wear a mask to prevent spreading germs through the air when you cough or sneeze in the workplace. 


Since you spend most of your days in the office, it’s essential that it’s clean all the time. Diseases can spread quickly in the area, which is why extra precautions must be taken to take care of your employees’ well-being. An effective way to do that is to practice proper handwashing, keep desks clean and clutter-free, and invest in professional office cleaning service. 

Diamond Cleaning Services is one of the best cleaning companies in Canada. If you need quality office cleaning in Brampton, get in touch with us today, and we’ll make sure that your office is clean and free of bacteria!

Office Cleaning Checklist: Things That Need Deep Cleaning

Office Cleaning

People often prioritize spring cleaning and roll up their sleeves to deep clean everything annually. However, that shouldn’t be the case, and your office might need more than one big general cleaning once a year.  

When you have a clean workspace, you prevent many harmful things from appearing and growing, such as mould, dust mites, allergens, bacteria, and more. Whatever the size of your office space, it’s always a good idea to give it thorough cleaning quarterly. What’s even better is hiring an office cleaning team to do the job for you to ensure that your space is clean and good as new. 

If you want to get a headstart into cleaning your office, keep reading. Our team has compiled a list of things that people often overlook when deep cleaning their office space. Let’s dive in!

Air Filters

Because it is hidden inside a piece of equipment, people often forget to replace the air filters of their air-conditioning unit and often do when it’s too late. 

After spring, your air-conditioning filters may have collected dirt and allergens that have been floating around your office throughout the season. When your filters are full, it may cause clogging and reduce its efficiency. 

Changing your filters is essential, especially when you have employees who have allergies or work pets. 


Having a dirty window can make your business look questionable and unreliable. To make your office look more professional, make sure to clean your windows and ensure they’re clear and free from stains and gunk.

To do this, it’s best to hire a reputable window cleaning company so your windows can get a professional and thorough cleaning. 

Areas with fabric

Unfortunately, dust and bacteria can build up quickly on fabric surfaces without it being noticeable. Some examples of fabric surfaces that may house potential health threats are pillows, rugs, and carpets. 

When you’re giving your office a good cleaning, make sure to have these items laundered or washed. This will help reduce allergens, eliminate dust mites, and make your office look and feel much better. 

For heavy work like this, we recommend hiring a reliable office cleaning company to ensure that your office gets its much-needed deep cleaning. 

Office tools and appliances

If your office has a pantry, you shouldn’t forget to clean out your microwaves, dishwasher, and other office appliances that your employees use daily. This is because employees often touch these items, and bacteria and viruses can easily be transmitted from person-to-person when left uncleaned. 

Alarm systems

One of the most critical parts of your office that often gets neglected is your alarm systems. It’s incredibly important to make it a habit to check your alarms often. This is because it has to go through proper testing to know if it’s still working efficiently. 

Ideally, when you purchase alarm systems, they come with a contract that has regular maintenance and repairs. It’s always a good idea to use this feature to ensure your employees and business’s safety. 


Each season deals with various external factors, and this is why it’s essential that you deep clean your office regularly. With the help of this checklist and by hiring a reliable office cleaning company, you’ll prevent forgetting to deep clean all these crucial areas and items we mentioned above. 

Are you looking for a cleaning company offering office cleaning in Brampton? Look no further because Diamond Cleaning Services has you covered. You can trust that our team of professionals will provide you with exemplary cleaning services. Learn more about our services and request a quote today!

4 Common Methods of Carpet Cleaning: Which Option to Choose?

Disinfectants, Untested Drugs

There are a handful of reasons business owners and property managers opt for carpet flooring in their property. For one, it comes in various styles and designs that can enhance the aesthetic appeal of their commercial space. It also has remarkable benefits, such as providing warmth, offering comfort, fostering safety, and reducing noise levels. 

On the other side of the spectrum, one major drawback of carpet flooring is how it requires constant upkeep and regular cleaning. If left unattended, it easily becomes filthy, smells bad, and compromises your commercial space’s overall aesthetics.

Fret not; we’ve prepared a rundown of several carpet cleaning methods below. Keep on reading to learn what they entail and what option you can choose for your commercial property:


1. Dry cleaning

This method requires no water at all. Instead, it uses a mixture of a small amount of powder combined with special solvents and cleaning agents. This mixture is then sprinkled over the carpet and worked through using a mechanical brush. Once done, a vacuum is used to get rid of the residue from the carpet. Ultimately, the goal is to target specific issues like a stubborn spot stain, greasy film, or sisal carpet. 


2. Steam cleaning

Also known as hot water extraction, steam cleaning is pre-conditioned with a chemical to liquify the soils and oil-based substances stuck in the carpet fibres. It works by boiling water and injecting the steam into the fibres with high pressure. As a result, the hot water and steam will help kill any pathogens and loosen the dirt, while vacuuming is performed to remove the residue. This method is a common way of treating your carpets, which is highly recommended for deep cleaning.


3. Encapsulation cleaning

This type is another cleaning method that requires no use of water. Instead, the cleaning entails vacuuming the carpet, spraying chemicals onto it, and massaging it with a rotary brush or bonnet. It works when the brush’s movement breaks the dirt particles, and the chemicals are crystallized to isolate the dirt. After that, the residue gets removed by a vacuum. This method is ideal for keeping your carpet clean longer with minimal cleaning time and low overhead cost.


4. Bonnet cleaning

This cleaning method is best for light-cleaning maintenance and regular carpet cleaning. It is typically performed by vacuuming, spraying a mist of cleaning solution mixed with carbonated water, and rubbing a circular rotating buffer called “bonnet” over the carpet. The covering then becomes fully used, which requires to be replaced with a clean one. Ultimately, this method is relatively quick to perform and affordable to invest in, though it is only applicable to slightly dirty carpets.



At this point, you’re now well-acquainted with several cleaning methods for your carpet flooring. Whether you opt for dry, steam, encapsulation or bonnet cleaning, be sure to choose one that suits your commercial space requirements. 

While there are other methods available, those mentioned above are among the common and easy ones to do. Likewise, we highly recommend a robust deep cleaning at least once a month for your carpet flooring. Ultimately, it’s best to hire a highly reliable commercial cleaning service that will make a difference in maintaining your property’s aesthetics.

Are you looking to have commercial carpet cleaning? Let our expert cleaners handle it! We offer a wide range of janitorial services and commercial cleaning services in Brampton to ensure that your carpets are taken care of. Get in touch with us today or request a quote!

Should You Pressure Wash Your Restaurant’s Entrance?

Keeping your restaurant clean at all times is a no-brainer, especially if you want to keep reeling in guests. However, when was the last time you thought about cleaning the front of your restaurant? Although this is technically the “outdoor” section, it can still use some proper cleaning. 

When it’s clean on the outside, it gives a positive impression that it’s also clean on the inside! An effective way to keep the front entrance (and surrounding areas) of your restaurant clean is through pressure washing! 

The Power of Pressure Washing

Your front entrance needs to create an excellent first impression for loyal customers and even passersby. When you opt for pressure washing treatments from Diamond Cleaning Services, these are the areas in your front entrance that will be cleaned:

  • Awnings: These features can easily become dusty and dingy over time, especially when they’re not cleaned regularly. Through pressure washing, you can get all the dirt and debris off them, which will bring new life into their colours. 
  • Windows: Your windows are an essential part of your restaurant. When they’re dirty, you may not attract customers to come in. Pressure washing your windows on low pressure can immediately turn them into sparkling glasses that will allow passersby to look into your restaurant and be enticed to come in!
  • Signs: As long as the signs on your front entrance are not wired to electricity, you can include them in your pressure washing routine. This treatment will help breathe new life into your posts if they have dulled over time. 
  • Building: Is the entire establishment looking dirty? The easiest way to clean it is through pressure washing. The exterior walls of your restaurant may fade or stain due to outdoor elements, which can be an eyesore. 
  • Roofs: Your roofs typically gather debris, sticks, grease, bugs, algae, and other elements. If you think that the roof is hardly noticeable, wait until people get discouraged from eating in your restaurant when they see your filthy roof from miles away. Uncleaned roofs can also cause leaks and bad smells, which will also deter your customers.
  • Patio: If you have a patio that can be seen from your restaurant’s entrance, make sure to keep it clean and welcoming. Remember that patios are victims of weather, meaning that they will require pressure washing services regularly. 
  • Sidewalk: The sidewalk where your restaurant is located is your responsibility to keep it clean. Sidewalks can be a victim of bubblegums that are unsightly as well as grease stains that can stain the pavement. Keeping the sidewalk clean is vital, and this will help improve your curb appeal. Aside from that, a clean sidewalk and front entrance will also keep the pests away. 


Pressure Washing Will Save The Day

Being in the hospitality industry, it’s crucial that you keep your restaurant clean from the inside and outside. Remember that your front entrance says a lot about your business, which is why it’s essential to invest in quality pressure washing treatments. There are plenty of service providers in today’s market, but make sure to choose a service that hits all the right points for your restaurant. 



Make your restaurant business successful by keeping it clean and tidy at all times. The right pressure washing service is important to ensure that your property’s exterior will remain clean and welcoming. 

Finding a reputable service provider isn’t too difficult—you only need to find the one that will suit your needs. With pressure washing, you can breathe new life into your sidewalk, entrances, and even parking areas. Restore these fixtures’ beauty and boost your curb appeal so that you can easily encourage customers to dine at your restaurant. 

Here at Diamond Cleaning Services, we offer commercial cleaning services in Milton, such as power washing. Let us take care of your needs and keep your restaurant spotless from the outside. Get in touch with us today to see how we can help!

How Professional Carpet Cleaning Services Let You Save Money

vacuum cleaner on carpet

Carpet is an excellent choice for flooring, but it needs the proper care and maintenance for it to last long. Carpets are notorious for attracting allergens, bacteria, and dust particles, and renting a vacuum cleaner to clean it on your own is sometimes not enough. 

So, why should you hire a professional to clean your commercial carpet instead of doing it yourself? Here are five good reasons.

Leaves a positive impression

First, let us reiterate the importance of a well-maintained carpet. No one wants to step on a filthy carpet. Having a clean carpet creates a warm and inviting atmosphere that welcomes all your customers and tells them that you care for them.

Achieving a carpet that looks brand-new may take some skills. If your commercial space is covered with carpet, it is best to leave the cleaning to the professionals. They can take care of any mess, including removing frustrating stains and muddy shoe tracks. That way, you can also save time and ensure that you receive only the best service.

Great way to protect your investment

No property owner wants to replace their expensive carpet because of excessive wear and tear. One way to protect this investment is by letting professional cleaners take care of it. They have the experience and knowledge when it comes to the proper handling and cleaning of carpets. Professional cleaners will ensure that your carpets will look amazing for years. 

Moreover, taking advantage of your carpet’s warranty may be difficult if you only do the cleaning on your own. Most carpet manufacturers require proof of routine maintenance before they honour your product warranty. Working with professional cleaners will make providing proof easier for you. 

Promote a healthier environment

Carpets are home to various contaminants that can affect your health, such as mould, dust, particle pollution, and other dirt that can contribute to allergies or breathing difficulties. If you want to promote a healthier indoor environment for your customers and employees, you should ensure that your carpets are thoroughly cleaned.

Commercial carpet cleaning uses a truck-mounted carpet cleaning system that can guarantee that all these elements will be removed, keeping your environment healthy and your carpet beautiful.   

Lessen staff absences

A filthy carpet can be the culprit behind your employees’ absences due to sickness. Most community-spread viruses and poor indoor air quality issues arise from mould buildup that usually happens in carpets. Having that mould buildup in your property can result in some employees getting sick for several days. Proper carpet cleaning will help you avoid this situation. 

The cleaning happens during your business downtime

If you think you can save more by making your employees clean the carpet during the workday, you might want to reconsider your decision. Otherwise, you will end up with a wet carpet that may interrupt your business. On the other hand, hiring professional carpet cleaners can finish the work during your business downtime. 

Moreover, they have the right equipment that will quicken the entire cleaning and drying process. Working with them will ensure that your carpets are ready for another business day.


Hiring a professional cleaning service to take care of routine carpet care can help you in many ways. They maintain your carpet’s beauty, safeguard everyone’s, and ensure your place is always ready for operation, therefore, helping you save money and time. 

Whether you need office cleaning in Toronto or commercial cleaning in Mississauga, Diamond Cleaning Services is here to serve you. We provide carpet cleaning, window cleaning, parking lot sweeping, and other facility cleaning services you need. Contact us today to book a service. 

6 Benefits on Maintaining a Clean Business Parking Lot

parking lot deck

When you run a business, you need to ensure that all aspects of your physical location are clean and organized. This includes your parking lot as it is usually the first thing your clients will see when they visit your physical office. You might be wondering how you can keep this area clean as it’s only a massive chunk of land that gathers lots of dirt and dust due to the vehicles that park in the area. Still, it’s highly noticeable when a parking lot is dirty, which will easily reflect poorly on your business. 

When you strive to maintain the cleanliness of your business’s parking lot, here are six benefits you stand to gain: 

It Helps You Attract More Clients

A dirty parking lot is hard to conceal and is a tremendous eyesore, potentially driving away potential clients. However, if it’s clean, you get a chance to make an excellent first impression as this will show that you make an effort to keep your place of business and its surroundings clean. As a result, your customers will feel more confident about doing business with you. 

It Reduces The Chances Of Littering

When you see a dirty parking lot, isn’t it easier for you to throw away stuff in the area too because it’s already dirty? This is what other people may think as well. However, when it’s spotless, people will think twice about littering in the area, which will significantly benefit your end. 

It Protects The Environment

Many companies today are adopting healthy and eco-friendly practices to do their part in protecting Mother Earth. When it comes to your parking lots, regular sweeping can help prevent the build-up of dirt and other particles that can find their way into nearby water systems. As a result, this will help protect the water supply, wildlife, and natural habitats. 

It Protects Your Business From Lawsuits

Your parking area must always keep your customers safe. Remember, when a customer is within your property, you become liable for their wellbeing. You won’t want to deal with a lawsuit, right? Because of this, you need to ensure that every area in your business property, including your parking lot, is always safe and secure. 

It Makes The Surfaces Last Longer

If your parking lot is paved with concrete or asphalt, various debris and elements left to build up can wear it down faster due to its constant contact with the surface. You don’t want to go through a tedious process of redoing your parking lot’s surfaces, making you spend lots of money prematurely. For this reason, make sure that you implement the best cleaning methods to make your surfaces last longer. 

It Prevents Pest Infestations

Clean parking lots, seeing that they’re out in the open, will be an attractive spot for pests to take shelter in. However, when it’s spotless, it can deter these pesky creatures from making a home. Keep in mind that pests can spread diseases and can even cause structural damage. 


Remember that your business parking lot is part of your company, which needs regular TLC. Don’t neglect this area because it can cause significant problems that will affect your business in the long run. Keeping your parking lot spotless will be extremely beneficial and will reflect on your business. However, it’s not easy to clean a parking lot. This is why you must consider hiring a professional cleaning service that can perform regular cleaning services instead. 

We provide reliable commercial cleaning services in Mississauga. Our professionals also offer a full range of cleaning services for garages and parking lots using quality equipment and effective methods. Get in touch with us today to see how we can help!

The Challenge of Cleaning & Sweeping Your Office Floors

interior offices

In an office or commercial facility, keeping it clean at all times is essential because it can affect employee productivity and business reputation. One of the tasks that you can easily do in the facility without any professional’s help is to clean and sweep the floors. However, how often should you do this? 

Regardless of the type of broom you have and the cleaning products you use to clean your floors, the frequency will all come down to how often it gets walked on every day by different people who come from different places. 

To answer this lingering question that you have, you need to consider several factors that affect the frequency of sweeping and cleaning your floors, such as the following: 

  • Foot traffic: How much foot traffic does each area in the office get? Be mindful of the most commonly used areas and hallways, such as the entrance and exits, main hallways, and stairwells. These areas will need more frequent disinfection due to high foot traffic, while some office areas require less cleaning because of the low traffic that it receives. 
  • Activity: Some areas in the workplace may not get a lot of foot traffic yet receive the most activity, such as pantries, meeting rooms, and other areas where people can sit and wait. These areas may still be prone to dirt, which means they need to be sanitized more often than other areas where fewer activities occur. 
  • Floor accessories: Remember that mats can also affect how much cleaning your floors need. Areas that are covered with floor mats may require less cleaning. 
  • Seals: Consider yourself lucky if you have sealed floors because they provide greater protection against dirt and unwanted scratches and scuffs. However, if you have unsealed ones, you will notice they get dirty easily, meaning that frequent floor cleaning will be necessary. 

Additional Points to Consider

You might still have a hard time determining whether an area receives the most foot traffic or not, or if it gets more activities compared to others. Cleaning and sweeping the floors are both time-consuming, yet they are necessary to keep the facility sanitary. 

What you can do is hire a commercial cleaning service that specializes in office cleaning and let them take care of your floors. That way, they will draw up a schedule to ensure that your surfaces are always squeaky clean. 


Indeed, washing and sweeping your office floors can be a hassle, and it can even be troublesome to depend on an inexperienced in-house crew. Although hiring a full-time cleaning staff can be expensive, it’s still a more practical solution to invest in their services because they will keep the workspace clean and help prevent the spread of diseases within the area. 

Moreover, a clean office can help boost your employees’ productivity levels, which is essential in ensuring long-term company growth and success. 

Instead of hurting your back from all that cleaning and sweeping, let the professionals do it for you. They will ensure that your floors are spotless and use the right products and equipment for more efficient processes. You will be happy with the results, and you will feel more comfortable inside your work area. 

Get quality office cleaning in Brampton here at Diamond Cleaning Services. We are a reputable professional cleaning company that will help keep your office floors disease-free and spotless. Connect with us today to request a quote or to learn more about our services!

4 Reasons to Hire Experts to Prevent School Flu Outbreaks

Class room setting

Catching the flu in a school setting is easier despite the flu shots that are provided yearly. Flu shots and frequent hand washing and sanitizing are helpful. Yet, not everyone follows these safety protocols, especially little kids who are extremely curious and will almost touch anything they want. With so many students in a school, the staff and teachers can’t track each student’s action, and things can get so busy until they realize there’s already a flu outbreak in the facility. 

One of the most effective ways to prevent such an outbreak is to have a regular professional school cleaning service to minimize virus transmission. This type of cleaning will prevent the flu and other diseases that can quickly spread in a school facility. 

In this article, we will share how a professional school cleaning service can be helpful in reducing the chances of a flu outbreak: 

1. Determine Important Areas

Cleaning experts are trained and skilled in identifying high and low-risk areas in the facility. You might think you know the school well until you realize that you have overlooked many spots that can become a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses. With a dedicated staff to sanitize the facility, you get peace of mind that every school area will be covered, even the hard-to-reach areas. 

2. Implement Regular Cleaning & Disinfection

If you want to keep the school spotless and to prevent flu outbreaks, it will need a consistent cleaning and disinfection schedule. With a professional service, they will know exactly when to sanitize and disinfect the areas, and all you need to do is sit back and relax. 

This includes the disinfection of high-touch areas, such as doorknobs, surfaces, furniture pieces, and many more. 

3. Use Of Proper Disinfection Products

When you rely on your staff to do the cleaning and disinfection, you’ll likely purchase the products from groceries. However, you need to ensure that the products are effective and safe for everyone in the facility. Additionally, thinking about these can consume lots of your time. 

On the other hand, with a professional cleaning service, you don’t have to worry about this at all. Their team will take care of everything, and you will be assured that the products are safe and effective at getting the job done. Additionally, they are equipped with the right tools and equipment to make the process more efficient. 

4. Ensure Safe Cleaning

How the facility areas are cleaned is essential, and it calls for specific techniques that only professionals are trained to do. They know how to ensure that every surface is spotless and disinfected properly. 


Schools must always be clean, which is why it’s vital you invest in a professional cleaning service that specializes in school sanitization. That way, you get to help prevent the spread of diseases and a flu outbreak, which can be hard for your staff and students. Make sure that your school is always spotless in and out with help from the right personnel. 

Fortunately, there is now a growing number of cleaning companies that can help you with proper cleaning and disinfecting. All you need to do is find the best one that will suit your needs, and you will feel comfortable working with them for the long-term. 

At Diamond Cleaning Services, we specialize in building cleaning services in Milton, and that includes school facilities. Our highly-trained staff will ensure to clean every nook and cranny of your facility to prevent flu outbreaks and the spread of other diseases. Get in touch with us today to request a quote!