Understanding the Airbnb Advanced Cleaning Initiative

Pandemics are never good for any type of business, that the hospitality industry has. Many hotels, motels, and AirBnbs were forced to close their operations to reduce the spread of the disease. 

While regulations have been lifted in some areas, many establishments have had to upgrade their health standards to reduce the risk of transmission. Airbnb even introduced an Advanced Cleaning Initiative to help health officials and customers feel more at ease about the risks of the pandemic. 

The Airbnb Advanced Cleaning Initiative

Under this initiative, higher standards of cleaning are now required of every owner and renter under Airbnb. It involves a five-item checklist that must be followed at all times. The company even requires owners to pass a quiz. Passing this test rewards them with a seal of approval marking them “Committed to Clean.” This is displayed on their listings to help guests make better decisions about their accommodations. 

This five-point Airbnb cleaning plan proceeds as follows:

1 – Prepare

Airbnb advises that owners use proper cleaning implements and products ready as they prepare the room for guests. They also recommend that proper protective equipment also be worn, including aprons, masks, and gloves. After all, if the cleaner isn’t clean, then they might just end up spreading pathogens all over the room. 

Make sure to open the windows before you clean so that any contaminants in the air can get flushed out. 

2 – Clean

Airbnb cleaning and sanitizing are entirely different processes. Airbnb expects you to understand this, and this will be tested when you attempt to qualify for their seal of Commitment to Cleanliness. 

Cleaning is essentially a step that paves the way for sanitation. This is the part where you wash the linens, wipe the surfaces, vacuum, mop the floors, take out the trash, and wash all the dishes. This usually takes the longest in the process, but it’s the most important stage.

3 – Sanitize

This involves spritzing and wiping down every surface with the appropriate disinfectants. Try to think about the surfaces guests are most likely to interact with, such as door handles, appliances, electronics, and light switches. These deserve extra care, but that doesn’t mean you should neglect everything else.

4 – Check

Airbnb has provided a checklist for every time of the room. See to it that all these checklists are attended to. This process must be followed to an exacting degree. The beauty of this step is that it is likely to reveal any problems and issues in the home. Address these before any guest sets foot in the listing. 

5 – Reset

This last step is crucial to the prevention of cross-contamination. All rubbish must be properly disposed of correctly. Any cleaning implements like vacuums, mops, rags, and feather dusters should also be cleaned and sanitized to prevent pathogens from spreading elsewhere. 

You should also ensure that a few cleaning and sanitation supplies are available to the guest so they can disinfect as they see fit. 

Final thoughts

After everything that has happened over the last year, it is only understandable that cleaning and sanitation requirements are tighter all across the board. After all, keeping your clients, customers, and guests safe is more than just good business, it’s the right thing to do. It just has the added benefit of making potential guests feel more comfortable about your accommodations.

If you do need help with Airbnb cleaning in Brampton, give us a call at Diamond Cleaning Services. We are professionals in the field who help Airbnb entrepreneurs keep their rooms clean and safe for their guests. 

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